The digitalization of the Sous-Vide process as a response to the new trends in catering.
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The digitalization of the Sous-Vide process provides answers to the new trends in catering, particularly in a context in which the pandemic and technological advances have accentuated the search for efficiency as never before.
Digitalization is already a reality in most sectors, and particularly in catering. The hyper-professionalization of the HORECA sector, the increasing importance of investors, the migration of the labour force, the greater significance of food safety and the further emphasis on the control and management of all the processes require innovative alternatives to address this new context.
The low-temperature Sous-Vide vacuum sealing and cooking technique is known for maintaining the organoleptic properties of the product, as well as reducing wastage thanks to vacuum storage. Now, the added digitalization of the process enables the control of the complete traceability of the product, as well as the automation of the cooking or regeneration process, therefore reducing the need of skilled labour.