The explanation of the creative process. The ESPAISUCRE method with the flavour you can play with

This book is a work of approach to the Espaisucre Method where the creative process is analysed with a clear informative and didactic intention and is born from the imperious need to teach, codify and systematise creation.
Jordi Butrón together with Pedro Subijana and Álvaro Garrido will explain and analyse their way of facing the moment of creation.
The creative process must be explained, systematised and not depend on the romantic idea of the crazy, spontaneous and occasional creator that we have been taught, even though we are aware of the existence of an unpredictable variable, the human factor, with which we are forced to coexist.
The Espaisucre Method becomes YOUR GUIDE at the decisive moment of creation, a help that allows you to analyse, understand and order the multiple micro-decisions that you have to make at that crucial moment, establishing clear codes, guidelines and rules with measurable and easy-to-understand parameters.
It aims to be an aid, a complementary guide to all the existing ways of creating, providing a taxonomy, a new analytical and codified vision.
This is why we say that at Espaisucre we not only teach pastry making, but we also teach how to think.