Tasting Session
Volcanic white wines sheltered by El Teide
Sponsored by el Cabildo de Tenerife

White varieties with great potential: the mythical aromatic Malvasía, the Marmajuelo, Gual, Albillo Criollo, Verdello or the queen of the lot, the Listán Blanco.
The first vineyards were planted in the 15th century (between 100 and 1,000 meters), in fertile and volcanic soils. This, along with the Trade Winds and non-existence of phylloxera, is the cause for their distinct minerality.
These characteristics enable the white varieties to deploy their full potential in the different microclimates of the islands. From the mythical aromatic Malvasía to the current Marmajuelo, Gual, Albillo Criollo, Verdello or the queen of the lot, the Listán Blanco.
Those attending will be able to savour these varieties by tasting 8 white wines from these grape varieties. The last two wines will be a surprise.
The speakers, Custodio López and José Hidalgo, will reveal the nuances of the wines made with these pedigrees, present in the island for centuries, and that today continue to be grown under the shelter of El Teide, beacon for many seafarers and discoverers over the course of centuries.